A-Level Economics
Revision Notes
Background to Microeconomics
Economies/Diseconomies of Scale
How Markets Work
Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)
Income Elasticity of Demand (YED)
Cross Elasticity of Demand (XED)
Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)
Price Mechanism & Resource Allocation
Oil, Agriculture, Transport and Housing Markets - Applied Demand/Supply
How Markets Fail
How Governments Intervene
How Governments Fail
Real Examples of Government Failure (which you can use in your essays as evidence points)
Theory of the firm
Economies/Diseconomies of Scale
Market Structures
The labour market
Imperfect Labour Market: Monopsony Employers
Minimum, Maximum and Living Wages
How to Measure Economic Performance - The Indicators
Recent UK Economic Performance
AD/AS Model
AD/AS Examples
Macroeconomic Policy Objectives - What do we want to achieve?
Other Objectives
Exchange Rates
Free Trade & Protectionism
Conflicts between Objectives
Unemployment & Inflation - The Phillips Curve Model
Macroeconomic Policy - What can we use to achieve our objectives?
Policy Conflicts
Policies to Reduce Unemployment
The financial Sector
Introduction to the Financial Sector
Different Financial Institutions
Liquidity, Risk and Profitability
Regulation of the Financial Market
GLOBAL TOPIC & development
Benefits and Costs of Globalisation
Globalisation and the Environment
Developed and Developing Countries - Effects of Globalisation
Economic Development - what you need to know
Free Trade - Benefits vs Costs
Protectionism - Benefits vs Costs
A-Level Economics Model Answers
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Microeconomics Definitions
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