Costs and Benefits of Globalisation

a summary of cost and benefits of globalisation


  1. Increased global GDP -> due to increases in trade between countries

  2. Greater levels of efficiency -> specialisation and division of labour, comparative advantage

  3. Greater profits for firms -> more markets to grow into

  4. More choice for consumers

  5. Higher living standards, particularly in developing countries -> reduction in poverty levels

  6. Economies of scale -> lowered costs per unit due to containerisation, large cargo ships etc.

  7. Increased global competition -> lower prices and better allocative efficiency

  8. Increased world integration -> greater ability to tackle global issues like climate change


  1. Increased global inequality -> developed countries sell higher value products than smaller countries and therefore earn far higher incomes -> MNCs often originate in developed countries

  2. Reduced competition -> MNCs can push out small local firms

  3. Exploitation of workers -> MNCs can offer jobs in developing countries, but working conditions may still be poor and wages may still be low

  4. Some countries can have really large BoP deficits/surpluses -> this can be unsustainable

  5. WTO, IMF, World Bank etc -> global institutions are generally run and organised by developed countries -> potential for corruption

  6. Overspecialisation -> countries can be dependent on certain industries e.g. tourism, oil, mining. This is a risky position if these industries go into decline

  7. Prices may rise -> increased global demand and limited supply may lead to certain commodities rising in price e.g. oil

  8. Degradation and depletion of natural resources - environmental market failure

  9. Economic instability -> increased interdependence between countries -> global recessions more likely

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